Searching employee records
A quick start guide to the Workforce Management area within OneBoxBM.
The workforce management area also allows users to search for employees using a variety of filters;
they can then group the results based upon various employee details.
Search for employees:
- By their employee group.
- By their employment details, such as their job role, employment status,
department and assigned responsibilities.
- By their rates of pay.
- By their contracted hours and working days.
- By the status of their objectives.
By any requests made for holidays, personal days or sick days.
By whether they're available for a given time period or not.
- Employees will be filtered out if they have any time off in the given period.
By their location; town/city, county and country.
By their assigned clients groups.
By their list of assigned documents.
Group employee search results:
- By department.
- By job role.
- By their assigned responsibilities.
When searching for employee records, users will see results for all of the employees in the system regardless
of whether they can update them or not.