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Home Clients (QS) Clients - Client Search (QS)

Searching client records

A quick start guide to the Clients area.

The clients area also allows users to search for clients using a variety of filters; they can then group the results based upon various client details.

Search for clients:

  • By their assigned groups.
  • By their assigned status.
  • By their location; town/city, county and country.
    • Location data is gathered from your client records.
  • By their list of assigned documents.

Group client search results:

  • By their status.

When searching for client records, users will only see results for the client records that they have access to.

Access is determined based upon whether a user has been granted permissions to view or update any part of client records.

You control whether a user has access to:

  • All client records in the system.
  • Records for clients that they are responsible for; this is based upon the employees client list or the clients team.
    • You can manage employee and client relationships from either the employee or the client record; it's solely down to how you choose to work.
Home Clients (QS) Clients - Client Search (QS)
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