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Time Off/Leave Management

A quick start guide to the Time Off/Leave Request Management area within OneBoxBM.
Time Off/Leave Request Management

From within time off/leave request management you can

  • Create new holiday, personal day and sick day requests.
  • Update existing holiday, personal day and sick requests.
  • Delete holiday, personal day and sick day requests.
Request Details

Each request includes the following details.

  • Type: The type of time off/leave (holiday, personal day or sick day).
  • Leave Type: The type of leave (Paid or Unpaid).
  • Full Day: Whether the employee wishes to take a full day or not.
  • Status: The status of the request (Requested, Approved, Rejected or Under Consideration).
    • The status can only be set by users who have the ability to manage the employees time off/leave requests.
  • From/To: The from/to date of the request.
  • Reason: The reason for the request.
  • Notes: Any notes about the request, such as why it's under consideration or rejected etc.
    • The notes can only be seen by users who have the ability to manage the employees time off/leave requests.

You can control whether a user has access to:

  • Holiday, personal day and sick day requests for all employees.
  • Holiday, personal day and sick day requests for employees in specific employee groups.

This is split into 4 parts.

  • View: The user can view the requests.
  • View Details: The user can view the reason for the request.
  • Request: The user can make requests, but they can't authorise them.
  • Manage: The user can not only make the requests, but they can also authorise them as well.

In addition to this each type of request has it's own access controls; you can allow access to holidays but not personal days or sick days.

This allows you to grant access to view time off/leave to every user, but still limit the management of the requests to department managers or HR.

Home Time Off/Leave (QS) Time Off/Leave - Request Management (QS)
All articles in 'Time Off/Leave (QS)'
Time Off/Leave - Overview (QS) Time Off/Leave - Request Management (QS) Time Off/Leave - Request Search (QS)