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Time off/Leave Excel Exports

Learn how to export your time off/leave requests to Excel from within OneBoxBM.

Export your time off/leave data to Excel from within the time off/leave management area.

Key Points

When exporting time off/leave data to excel, the main points to be aware of are.

  • You can choose which parts of the selected time off/leave requests to export.
  • The export will only include data which the user has access to.
  • You can filter search results by time off/leave box.
    • This allows you to collect results from various searches, so you don't need to run multiple exports or remove unnecessary records.

See below for a step-by-step guide on exporting your time off/leave data to Excel.

Exporting time off/leave data
  1. Navigate to the 'Time off/Leave' area using the system menu.
  2. Search for the records that you wish to export.
  3. Select the relevant records.
  4. Click/press the 'Advanced' button in the top left.
  5. Click/press the 'Excel' button under the 'Export' section in the menu.
  6. Once you've selected the parts you wish to export click/press the 'Export' button.
    • (Note: The available parts will depend upon your user permissions.)
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