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Staff Rota Templates Overview

A brief overview of the OneBoxBM staff rota templates area.

The staff rota template management area, within OneBoxBM, is designed to allow you to manage your rota templates.


See below for a quick summary of the staff rota template management area.

A dedicated area where you can manage your list of staff rota templates.

  • Manage the basic details of each rota template such as it's name and status.
  • Set the default targets for rotas generated from the template.
  • Manage the list of employees that will be assigned to rotas generated from the template.
  • Manage the list of shifts that will be used to populate the shifts on rotas generated from the template.

(Pictured Below: The rota template management screen)

The Rota Template Management area in OneBoxBM.
The Rota Template Record

See below for a summary of a rota template record.

Template Details

The template details section covers the most basic template information such as the templates name, state, and associated departments.

(Pictured Below: Rota template details)

A rota templates details in OneBoxBM.

The default targets for all rotas generated using each template can be set under the targets tab on the rota template record.

Targets are split into employee hours, employee spend and sales/spend.

(Pictured Below: Rota template targets)

The targets stored against a rota template OneBoxBM.

The list of employees that will be assigned to all rotas generated using each template can be managed under the employee tab on the rota template record.

(Pictured Below: Rota template employees)

The employees list on a rota template OneBoxBM.

The list of shifts that will be assigned to all rotas generated using each template can be managed under the relevant day tab on the rota template record.

Each shift will have it's own targets independent of the overall rota targets.

Targets are split into employee hours, employee spend and sales/spend.

Each shift has it's own employee role requirements, allowing you to specify how many employees are required for each job role.

Multiple shifts can be scheduled for each day allowing you split the day into as many shifts as necessary.

(Pictured Below: Rota template shifts)

Shift management from the rota templates in OneBoxBM.

See below for an overview of permissions, audit/history and searching of rota template data.


Access to manage rota templates can be controlled via the permissions editor on the admin screen.

Due to the sensitive nature contained in rota templates, we have opted to make very few assumptions about how you wish to grant access to users. So you will almost certainly want to grant a higher level of access than what is provided out of the box.

Prior to managing permissions, we recommend that you take a look at the permissions overview.


Changes made to any part of the rota template record are recorded for audit/history purposes.

You can view the audit/history log by going to the history page.

Due to the nature of the audit/history log and the expansive list of rota template permissions access to log is limited to the Primary account holder and any super users.


The rota template area also allows users to search for rota templates using a variety of filters; they can then group the results based upon various rota template details.

Search for rota templates:

  • By their assigned status.
  • By the department/departments for which each rota template belongs to.

Group rota template search results:

  • By their status.
  • By their associated departments.
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All articles in 'Rota Templates'
Rota Templates Overiew Managing Rota Templates Managing Rota Template Targets Managing Rota Template Employees Managing Rota Template Days Managing Rota Template Shifts Managing Rota Template Shift Targets Managing Rota Template Shift Requirements