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Home Rotas Managing Rota Schedules

Managing Schedules From Within The Staff Rota View

Learn how to manage your staff rota schedules from within OneBoxBM.

Manage your staff schedules from within the staff rota view.

Key Points

When managing staff rota schedules the main points to be aware of are.

  • In order to manage the schedule, you must granted access to do so.
  • In order to start building your schedule you must first assign some employees.
  • You can either assign employees to a staff rota manually, or you can use the auto add feature to assign them based upon which department they're in; this will be based upon which departments the rota is assigned to (if any).
  • You can manage both rota and employee shifts from within the schedule view.
  • The Schedule supports split shifts so each employee can have multiple shifts on the same day.
  • Each employee can be assigned multiple roles per shift.

See below for a step-by-step guide on assigning employees to the schedule.

(Due to the somewhat complex nature of building a schedule, we have split the management of rota and employee shifts into their own help guides.)

Manually adding employees to the schedule
  1. Navigate to the 'Rotas' area using the system menu.
  2. Use the search to find the staff rota that you wish to update.
  3. Click/press the 'Manage' button.
    • You can use the one in the right hand panel or the one in the list.
  4. Once the record has loaded go to the 'Schedule' tab, click/press the 'employees' button and select 'Add'.
  5. Once the search has loaded apply any filters you need and click/press the 'Search' button.
  6. Once returned you can either:
    • Add the employees one by one using the 'Select' button.
    • Select multiple employees via the checkbox.
  7. Once done, simply close the search.
Automatically adding employees to the schedule
  1. Navigate to the 'Rotas' area using the system menu.
  2. Use the search to find the staff rota that you wish to update.
  3. Click/press the 'Manage' button.
    • You can use the one in the right hand panel or the one in the list.
  4. Once the record has loaded go to the 'Schedule' tab, click/press the 'employees' button and select 'Auto Add'.
  5. When propmted via the confirmation dialog, simply click/press the 'Add' button.
  6. Once confirmed all relevant employees will be automatically assigned to the schedule.
Home Rotas Managing Rota Schedules
All articles in 'Rotas'
Rotas Overview Managing Rotas Managing Rota Targets Managing Rota Schedules Rota Schedule Builder Managing Rota Days Rota Employee View Managing Rota Employee Shifts Managing Rota Shifts Managing Rota Shift Targets Managing Rota Shift Requirements Rotas Excel Export