Managing Staff Rota Days
Learn how to manage each day on a staff rota from within OneBoxBM.
Manage each day on a staff rota from within the staff rota view.
Key Points
When managing employee rota days, the main points to be aware of are.
- In order to view/manage staff rotas, you must granted access to do so.
- Any changes made to rota templates, will only affect staff rotas created using the template going fowards.
- Each rota has 7 days which run from the from/date of the rota.
- Daily targets and employee job role requirements are based upon the shifts assigned to the given day.
- Each day can be split into multiple shifts, so you can have as many as necessary, for instance:
- You could have a single shift which ran from 09:00 until 17:00.
- You could have a morning shift which ran from 07:00 untill 14:00.
- You could have an evening/close/late shift which rate from 14:00 until 22:30.